Am I Too Old for a Dental Implant?

Watch this video by Dr. Bianca Esparza where she discusses the potential age limitations for replacing missing teeth or securing loose dentures with dental implants.

Dental implants are an excellent solution for patients of diverse age groups. They’ve been a saving grace for numerous elderly individuals, primarily because dentures are more common in the senior population. However, we also serve a significant number of younger patients who may need a single tooth or multiple teeth replaced.

The versatility of dental implants is truly remarkable, making them suitable for a vast range of patients based on their specific needs. Rest assured, they’re incredibly safe. During our assessment, we will evaluate if dental implants are the optimal solution for you.

Regardless of age, if you’re considering dental implants, we encourage you to contact our office. Our complimentary consultation ensures that we can provide the most effective treatment plan tailored to you. Contact us today to discover if mini dental implants are right for you.

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