Invisalign Process Explained

Watch this video by Dr. Bianca Esparza as she explains the process for undergoing Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth.

When you step into our office for an Invisalign treatment, the process is meticulous. Firstly, we take detailed impressions of both your upper and lower teeth. These molds are then sent to a specialized lab where custom trays are designed specifically for you, catering to the entire duration of your treatment. Upon your return, we seat you comfortably, potentially add some small attachments – tiny bonding’s on the teeth – which help the trays fit perfectly.

The initial appointment focuses on capturing these impressions. Follow-up appointments, usually as brief as 30 minutes, ensure the trays fit impeccably and your teeth are progressing as desired. Contemplating Invisalign or other orthodontic treatments? Call our office. We offer complimentary consultations to evaluate your needs and suggest the most suitable treatment.


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